Being a medical student is challenging. It requires discipline, hard work, patience, and perseverance. You need to manage your time effectively. Otherwise, you’ll end up behind on your schoolwork. But that doesn’t mean you have to drown yourself in studying. Having a packed schedule shouldn’t keep you from taking time off for yourself. Here are some tips on how to unplug from studying.
How to Unplug From Studying
1. Have a designated area for studying.
Having a dedicated study space helps get work done. But that area should be used just as the name suggests – for studying only.
When you're done, leave that area and go somewhere else. Whether it’s just to the next room or your yard, getting a change of scenery will make you feel like you’re no longer studying.
Plus, moving to a different area offers fresh perceptions and ideas that can impact your work.
2. Shut down your computer when you’re done.
Studies show that humans’ alertness and concentration change every 90 minutes, so it’s essential to take breaks during that interval.
Turn off your computer or close the books, so there’s no temptation to sit down and study a little more. Otherwise, you might get sucked in for way longer, leaving you exhausted and frustrated without delivering results.
3. Schedule study-free time blocks – and stick to them.
Working hard is surely important. But don’t forget to block off time for fun and leisure activities that you wouldn’t have time to do otherwise.
For example, if you plan to take the weekend off, commit to making it study-free. Do things that you love, like going to the spa for a massage, turning up the tunes, painting or coloring, catching up on movies or TV shows, doing yoga and meditation, or taking a relaxing bath.
Remember, recharging yourself will help you be more productive and deliver better results.
4. Get moving.
Studying for long hours can strain your muscles if you don’t move your body. In fact, research shows that it’s much better to take multiple short breaks than one long break.
Set an alarm every 90 minutes as a reminder to pause. During your short breaks, do stretches, walk around the house or block, do a little tidying up, run a quick errand, or make yourself a healthy snack.
5. Connect with loved ones.
Studying may take up most of your time, but it’s also important to make time for your social life.
Maintain a healthy work-life balance by keeping in touch with family and friends. Haven’t heard from them in a while? Schedule a quick chat, do a video call, grab a coffee or brunch together – essentially, take time to catch up with them.
Spending a little time with your loved ones is a great way to reenergize and remotivate yourself after all those study sessions.
Unplugging yourself from "study mode" is an important time to recharge your mind and body. Switch up your location, shut down your devices, and close those books when on a break. Get up and move, do some fun activities, or attend to matters you wouldn’t usually have time for. Remember, taking breaks is just as important as studying itself.
Now that you know how to unplug from studying, which of these tips will you try first?
If you need guidance with your medical journey, C.H.H.A is here to help. Contact us today to learn more.