The current healthsituation has impacted individuals, businesses, schools, and many otherorganizations around the world. On top of the health challenges, businesseshave shut down, workers have been laid off, resources have been more in-demand,and people are asked to retreat to their homes – all without seeing an end toit yet. It truly is a difficult and uncertain timewe live in.
However, we’re also given this opportunity to go back to what’s important – and that’s to be there for one another. Here are five ways you can help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How You Can Help During the Pandemic
1. Support Non-Profits
Local and international charities are cancelingfundraising programs, experiencing financial pressures, and struggling to meetneeds. If you can, consider contributing to these organizations directly combattingthe pandemic.
Hereare some ways you can help:
Check out this list of organizations that need support. Remember, every little bit can go a long way!
2. Help Out Businesses and People
With the call for social distancing and staying at home, many businesses have reduced their operations. You can still continue supporting them by utilizing their delivery services, ordering takeaways, or buying their products. Your purchase can help them stay afloat and get back up once the pandemic blows over.
To support laid-off workers, consider donating to organizations like Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation which provides no-interest loans so businesses can maintain their payroll while closed, or to Restaurant Opportunities Centers United’s disaster relief fund for restaurant workers unemployed by the pandemic.
3. Volunteer Where Able
Keeping your safety in mind, reach out to groups withinyour local area to see how you can support them with your time. Fromopportunities you can do at home, to spending a few hours with theorganizations daily, there are numerous ways to volunteer.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Serve on a hotline service as a crisis counselor or an assessor of potential patients.
- Adopt or foster a pet, offer to walk the dogs of seniors, or help raise funds for pet food.
- Offer childcare services for healthcare workers who are spending long hours at work.
- Volunteer at test sites to do patient in-take or conduct actual tests.
4. Reach Out and Stay Connected
Isolation and social distancing are difficult for many. If you know elderly people who are stuck at home or their age care centers, ask if they need help with their shopping or delivering their groceries. Reach out to orphanages or centers for people with special needs to see if they need assistance in their daily operations.
Likewise, use social media to find opportunities to contribute. Facebook’s Community Help allows you to volunteer to pick up people’s groceries or contribute to fundraisers nearby. Instagram’s Co-Watching lets you stay connected while social distancing. YouTube’s News Shelf gives you access to helpful and accurate content. LinkedIn is offering free job posts for organizations in the healthcare, supermarket, warehouse, and freight delivery services to help fill critical roles.
5. Observe Best Practices
Use your voice to advocate for individuals and groupsthat need support. Share tips on how to cope during the crisis, or details ondonation and volunteer opportunities. Also, only share news articles orpersonal posts that are factual and positive to minimize public fear andanxiety.
Similarly, be mindful of how many groceries you buy. A lot of people are in need, so make sure to buy only what’s needed and sufficient.
More importantly, help flatten the curve by regularlywashing your hands, avoiding large crowds, and staying indoors for the timebeing. Go out only for essential activities and when absolutely necessary.
Now is the time to help out our communities and greater society. Let’s do our best, in all ways big and small, to bring light and positivity to each other’s lives. Together, we can and we will get through this challenging time.